Обмен Skrill, пополнение Скрилл

+44 203 308 2520

+44 203 308 2520

+44 203 308 2520

In order to hit a distant target a rifle must be correctly sighted-in, and to accomplish that the shooter must have some working knowledge of the bullet's trajectory. Sighting-in a hunting rifle to hit a certain number of inches high at 100 yards (or 100 meters) maximizes the point blank range of the rifle and cartridge and is superior to zeroing at a fixed distance like 200 yards. This system maximizes the distance in which no "hold over" is necessary. Of course, the actual distance the bullet should hit above the point of aim at 100 yards (or 100 meters, which is about 108 yards) varies with the individual caliber and load.

The table below is designed to serve as a starting point from which a shooter can work. Used as such it can save a lot of trial and error experimentation. Of course, no trajectory table can possibly cover all loads for all calibers in all rifles. So after sighting-in, always check your individual rifle at various ranges to see how close its trajectory comes to the published data. (It may well vary.) This trajectory table can also serve as a comparative tool, allowing the reader to compare the trajectories of different cartridges or loads.

The trajectories in the table below were calculated for a maximum bullet rise of 1.5 inches above the line of sight for all small game and varmint loads, and three inches above the line of sight for all big game loads. In ballistics catalogs the point of maximum bullet rise is often called the mid-range trajectory, or sometimes the maximum ordinate. In the table below I used the term "mid-range trajectory," abbreviated "MRT."

A maximum bullet rise of 1.5 inches is appropriate for shooting small animals, as they present a small target, particularly if head shots are necessary. Allowing a greater mid-range trajectory might result in shooting over an animal at an intermediate distance.

A maximum rise of 3 inches is appropriate for hunting the smaller species of big game, creatures from perhaps 75 pounds to 150 pounds on the hoof, which typically have a kill zone of about 8 inches from top to bottom. More mid-range rise can be accepted when hunting larger animals (a 4 inch MRT might be appropriate when hunting mule deer, for example), but if a mixed bag hunt for larger and smaller species is envisioned, then the 3 inch rise used for this table is probably safer. A 3 inch MRT also allows for a little bit of human error, which is probably a good thing when shooting in the field.

The Maximum Point Blank Range (MPBR), which is shown in the last column of the table below, is the distance at which the bullet falls 3 inches below the line of sight. Thus between the muzzle and the distance given as the MPBR, the bullet never strays more than 3 inches above or below the line of sight (1.5 inches for varmint loads).

Most of the loads below are similar to popular factory loads for the selected cartridges. All trajectories were calculated for a rifle with a low mounted telescopic sight of moderate size whose line of sight is 1.5 inches above the bore axis of the barrel. If your scope is not 1.5 inches over the bore, and most scopes with oversize objectives require higher mounts, your trajectory will vary from those given below. All trajectory figures are rounded off to one decimal place. While environmental factors such as altitude and ambient air temperature affect trajectory, their effect is relatively minor. For the record, this table was calculated for an air temperature of 60 degrees F and an altitude of 1000 feet. The following data was taken from various sources including reloading manuals and the online Ballistics Calculator provided by BigGameInfo.

Note: For an expanded version of this table showing more loads, including British, European, wildcat, obsolescent American and proprietary calibers, see the Expanded Rifle Trajectory Table.

To save space, the following abbreviations are used in the table below: Wb = Weight of bullet (in grains); MV = Muzzle Velocity (in feet per second); BC = Ballistic Coefficient; MRT = M >

Cartridge (Wb@MV) Bullet BC 100 yds. 200 yds. MRT@yds. MPBR (yds.)
.17 HMR (17 SP at 2550) .123 +1.5" -5.5" 1.5"@100 165
.17 Mach IV (20 V-MAX at 4000) .185 +1.2" +0.8" 1.5"@140 260
.17 Rem. (20 V-MAX at 4200) .185 +1.1" +1.0" 1.5"@150 275
.204 Ruger (33 BT at 4225) .185 +1.1" +1.0" 1.5"@150 275
.218 Bee (45 SP at 2800) .202 +1.6" -1.5" 1.5"@125 200
.219 Zipper (60 SP at 3200) .264 +1.4" +/- 0" 1.5"@120 230
.22 LR (40 HP at 1255) .100 -3.0" -40.9" 1.5"@45 90
.22 WMR (40 HP at 1910) .100 +0.5" -19.0" 1.5"@65 123
.22 Hornet (45 Sp at 2690) .191 +1.5" -2.5" 1.5"@100 188
.22 K-Hornet (45 SP at 2800) .202 +1.6" -1.5" 1.5"@125 200
.221 Fireball (50 BT at 2995) .238 +1.4" -0.7" 1.5"@116 214
.22 PPC (50 Sp at 3200) .254 +1.4" +/- 0" 1.5"@125 230
.222 Rem. (50 Sp at 3140) .220 +1.4" -0.4" 1.5"@118 222
.223 Rem. (45 Sp at 3550) .167 +1.4" +0.2" 1.5"@130 235
.223 Rem. (55 SP at 3240) .235 +1.4" +/- 0" 1.5"@120 230
.222 Rem. Mag. (55 SP at 3240) .235 +1.4" +/- 0" 1.5"@120 230
5.6x50 Mag. (60 SP at 3200) .264 +1.4" +/- 0" 1.5"@120 230
.225 Win.. (55 SP at 3500) .235 +1.4" +0.5" 1.5"@130 245
.224 Wby. (55 SP at 3600) .235 +1.3" +0.6" 1.5"@135 254
.22-250 Rem. (50 V-MAX at 3700) .242 +1.3" +0.8" 1.5"@140 260
.22-250 Rem. (55 SP at 3600) .235 +1.3" +0.6" 1.5"@135 254
.220 Swift (50 V-MAX at 3800) .242 +1.2" +0.8" 1.5"@140 265
.220 Swift (55 SP at 3800) .235 +1.2" +0.9" 1.5"@140 264
.223 WSSM (55 SP at 3800) .235 +1.2" +0.9" 1.5"@140 264
.224 TTH (70 Sp at 3650) .290 +2.2" +2.7" 3"@165 333
5.6x52R (70 Sp at 2777) .288 +2.7" +1.2" 3"@125 260
.243 Win. (80 Sp at 3350) .255 +1.3" +0.2" 1.5"@125 237
.243 Win. (95 BT at 3100)* .379 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@150 300
.243 Win. (100 Sp at 2960) .351 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@140 283
6mm Rem. (100 Sp at 3100) .351 +2.5" +2.2" 3"@150 296
.243 WSSM (100 Sp at 3100) .351 +2.5" +2.2" 3"@150 296
.240 Apex (100 Sp at 2900) .351 +2.6" +1.8" 3"@135 278
6x62mm Freres (100 Sp at 3300) .351 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 312
.240 Wby. Mag. (100 Sp at 3400) .351 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@160 322
.244 H&H Mag. (100 Sp at 3500) .351 +2.3" +2.7" 3"@165 330
.25-20 Win. (86 FP at 1460) .190 +1.7" -19.1" 3"@65 139
.25-35 Win. (117 RN at 2300) .238 +2.9" -1.7" 3"@108 212
.250 Sav. (100 Sp at 2820) .336 +2.7" +1.6" 3"@125 270
.257 Roberts (100 Sp at 3000) .336 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@150 286
.257 Roberts (120 Sp at 2780) .391 +2.7" +1.6" 3"@125 271
.257 Rob. Imp. (115 BT at 2900) .453 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@140 286
.25 WSSM (120 Sp at 2990) .391 +2.5" +2.0" 3"@145 291
.25-06 Rem. (100 Sp at 3210) .336 +2.5" +2.4" 3"@150 305
.25-06 Rem. (120 Sp at 2990) .391 +2.5" +2.0" 3"@145 291
.257 Wby. Mag. (100 Sp at 3600) .336 +2.2" +2.8" 3"@175 337
.257 Wby. Mag. (120 Sp at 3305) .391 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@155 317
6.5x54 (140 PSP at 2400) .435 +2.9" +0.2" 3"@115 238
6.5x55 (125 NP at 2875) .449 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@135 284
6.5x55 (140 Sp at 2645) .435 +2.7" +1.2" 3"@125 260
6.5x57 (140 SP at 2740) .465 +2.7" +1.6" 3"@130 272
.260 Rem. (120 Sp at 2890) .433 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@135 284
.260 Rem. (140 Sp at 2750) .435 +2.7" +1.6" 3"@125 271
6.5-284 Norma (140 PSP at 2900) .435 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@140 286
6.5mm Rem. Mag. (120 Sp at 3210) .433 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 312
6.5mm Rem. Mag. (140 PSP at 2900) .435 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@140 286
6.5x65 RWS (127 Sp at 3313) .449 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@160 323
6.5x68 S (140 Sp at 2990) .435 +2.6" +2.1" 3"@150 294
.264 Win. Mag. (120 Sp at 3300) .433 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@160 321
.264 Win. Mag. (140 Sp at 3100) .435 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@150 303
6.8mm Rem. SPC (110 BTSP at 2500) .360 +2.9" +0.5" 3"@125 243
6.8mm Rem. SPC (115 Sp at 2800) .325 +2.6" +1.3" 3"@130 267
.270 Win. (130 Sp at 3140) .416 +2.5" +2.4" 3"@150 305
.270 Win. (140 AB at 2950) .496 +2.6" +2.1" 3"@140 293
.270 Win. (150 Sp at 2900) .481 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@138 287
.270 WSM (130 Sp at 3206) .416 +2.4" +2.4" 3"@150 311
.270 WSM (150 Sp at 3150) .481 +2.5" +2.4" 3"@150 311
.270 Wby. Mag. (130 Sp at 3375) .416 +2.3" +2.6" 3"@150 326
.270 Wby. Mag. (150 Sp at 3245) .481 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@160 320
7-30 Waters (120 FP at 2700) .195 +2.9" +0.4" 3"@125 238
7x57 (140 BT at 2660) .485 +2.7" +1.3" 3"@125 264
7x57 (175 Sp at 2540) .519 +2.8" +1.0" 3"@125 256
7mm-08 Rem. (120 Sp at 3000) .343 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@140 287
7mm-08 Rem. (140 BT at 2860) .485 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@140 285
7x64 (140 BT at 3000) .485 +2.6" +2.2" 3"@150 298
7x65R (175 Sp at 2650) .465 +2.7" +1.3" 3"@125 262
.284 Win. (150 Sp at 2750) .456 +2.7" +1.6" 3"@130 272
.280 Rem. (140 BT at 3000) .485 +2.6" +2.2" 3"@150 298
.280 Rem. (160 Sp at 2890) .475 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@140 287
7mm SAUM (150 Sp at 3110) .456 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@150 305
7mm WSM (150 Sp at 3200) .456 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 314
.275 H&H Mag. (160 Sp at 3050) .475 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@145 301
7x61 S&H (154 SP at 3060) .433 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@150 300
7mm Rem. Mag. (140 BT at 3150) .485 +2.5" +2.4" 3"@150 310
7mm Rem. Mag. (150 Sp at 3110) .456 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@150 305
7mm Rem. Mag. (160 Sp at 2950) .475 +2.6" +2.1" 3"@140 292
7mm Wby. Mag. (154 SP at 3260) .433 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 317
7mm Wby. Mag. (160 Sp at 3200) .475 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 314
7mm STW (160 Sp at 3185) .475 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 313
7mm Ultra Mag (160 Sp at 3200) .475 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 314
7.5x55 (180 Sp at 2566) .431 +2.8" +0.9" 3"@125 252
.30 Carbine (110 RN at 1990) .144 +2.8" -8.2" 3"@85 171
.30-30 Win. (150 FP at 2390) .268 +2.9" -0.6" 3"@110 225
.30-30 Win. (160 Evo at 2400) .330 +2.9" -0.2" 3"@110 232
.30-30 Win. (170 FP at 2200) .304 +2.9" -1.8" 3"@105 211
.300 Sav. (150 BT at 2630) .435 +2.8" +1.2" 3"@125 259
.307 Win. (150 FP at 2600) .268 +2.8" +0.5" 3"@120 243
.308 Marlin (160 EVO at 2660)* .400 +2.8" +1.2" 3"@130 261
.308 Win. (150 BT at 2800) .435 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@135 275
.308 Win. (165 Sp at 2700) .410 +2.7" +1.3" 3"@130 264
.308 Win. (180 Sp at 2610) .483 +2.8" +1.2" 3"@125 259
.30-06 (150 BT at 2910) .435 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@145 287
.30-06 (165 Sp at 2800) .410 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@135 273
.30-06 (180 Sp at 2700) .483 +2.7" +1.5" 3"@125 269
.300 SAUM (165 Sp at 3075) .410 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@145 300
.300 WSM (150 BT at 3300) .435 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@150 321
.300 WSM (180 Sp at 2970) .483 +2.6" +2.2" 3"@150 294
.308 Norma Mag. (150 BT at 3300) .435 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@150 321
.300 Win. Mag. (150 BT at 3300) .435 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@150 321
.300 Win. Mag. (165 Sp at 3120) .410 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@145 303
.300 Win. Mag. (180 Sp at 3070) .483 +2.5" +2.3" 3"@150 303
.300 H&H Mag. (180 Sp at 2880) .483 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@140 286
.300 Wby. Mag. (150 BT at 3540) .435 +2.2" +2.8" 3"@170 343
.300 Wby. Mag. (180 Sp at 3250) .483 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@155 320
.300 Ultra Mag (180 Sp at 3250) .483 +2.4" +2.6" 3"@155 320
.30-378 Wby. Mag. (180 Sp at 3420) .483 +2.3" +2.7" 3"@160 336
7.62x39 (123 Sp at 2365) .292 +2.9" -0.5" 3"@110 225
.303 British (150 Sp at 2723) .411 +2.8" +1.5" 3"@130 267
.303 British (180 RN at 2460) .328 +2.9" +0.1" 3"@115 237
7.65x53 (180 RN at 2400) .328 +2.9" +0.4" 3"@115 241
.32 Spec. (170 FP at 2250) .297 +3.0" -1.3" 3"@105 215
8x56 M-S (200 RN at 2170) .253 +3.0" -2.6" 3"@100 202
8x57JS (150 Sp at 2900) .369 +2.6" +1.9" 3"@135 280
8x57JS (200 Sp at 2650) .426 +2.8" +1.2" 3"@125 260
.325 WSM (180 Sp at 2975) .394 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@140 289
.325 WSM (220 Sp at 2840) .383 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@130 276
8x68S (150 Sp at 3300) .369 +2.4" +2.5" 3"@150 316
8x68S (220 Sp at 2800) .448 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@135 277
8mm Rem. Mag. (200 Sp at 2900) .426 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@138 284
.338-57 O'Connor (200 FP at 2400) .200 +2.9" -0.3" 3"@110 214
.338 Marlin Express (200 FTX at 2565)* .430 +2.8" +0.9" 3"@125 254
.338 Federal (180 BT at 2830) .372 +2.7" +1.6" 3"@135 274
.338 Federal (200 Sp at 2400) .448 +2.9" +0.3" 3"@115 240
.338 Federal (210 Sp at 2630) .400 +2.8" +1.1" 3"@120 258
.338-06 (200 BT at 2800) .414 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@135 274
.338 Win. Mag. (200 BT at 2960) .414 +2.6" +2.1" 3"@150 289
.338 Win. Mag. (225 Sp at 2780)* .454 +2.7" +1.8" 3"@138 274
.338 Win. Mag. (250 Sp at 2700) .473 +2.7" +1.4" 3"@126 268
.340 Wby. Mag. (250 Sp at 2941) .473 +2.6" +2.1" 3"@150 291
.338 Ultra Mag (250 Sp at 2860) .473 +2.7" +1.9" 3"@140 285
.338 Lapua Mag. (225 Sp at 3000) .454 +2.6" +2.2" 3"@150 296
.338-378 Wby. Mag. (250 Sp at 3000) .473 +2.6" +2.2" 3"@150 297
.348 Win (200 FP at 2520) .246 +2.9" -0.1" 3"@115 233
.357 Mag. (158 FP at 1830) .158 +2.7" -10.5" 3"@85 163
.35 Rem. (200 RN at 2080) .180 +2.9" -5.1" 3"@93 186
.356 Win. (200 RN at 2400) .180 +2.9" -1.8" 3"@108 211
.358 Win. (200 Sp at 2520) .295 +2.9" +0.3" 3"@115 239
.35 Whelen (200 Sp at 2700) .295 +2.8" +1.0" 3"@125 254
.350 Rem. Mag. (200 Sp at 2775) .295 +2.7" +1.3" 3"@125 260
.350 Rem. Mag. (225 NP at 2550) .430 +2.8" +0.8" 3"@120 253
.350 Rem. Mag. (250 SP at 2500) .409 +2.8" +0.5" 3"@120 246
.358 Norma Mag. (250 SP at 2800) .409 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@125 274
9.3x62 (270 SSp at 2550) .361 +2.8" +0.7" 3"@125 247
9.3x62 (286 SP-RP at 2360) .410 +3.0" +/- 0" 3"@110 234
9.3x74R (250 BT at 2550) .494 +2.8" +1.0" 3"@125 256
9.3x74R (286 SP-RP at 2360) .410 +3.0" +/- 0" 3"@110 234
.375 Win. (220 FP at 2012) .231 +2.9" -4.7" 3"@91 187
.375 H&H Mag. (270 SP at 2690) .380 +2.7" +1.3" 3"@130 260
.375 H&H Mag. (300 Sp at 2550) .398 +2.8" +0.8" 3"@125 250
.375 Wby. Mag. (300 Sp at 2800) .398 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@125 273
.375 Ultra Mag (300 SP at 2800) .398 +2.7" +1.7" 3"@125 273
.38-55 Win. (255 FP at 1320) .290 +1.4" -21.3" 3"@65 134
.376 Steyr (270 SP at 2550) .380 +2.8" +0.7" 3"@115 248
.378 Wby. Mag. (300 Sp at 2935) .398 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@140 285
.404 Jeffery (400 RN at 2150) .322 +3.0" -2.1" 3"@100 207
.405 Win. (300 FP at 2200) .225 +2.9" -2.8" 3"@100 203
.416 Rem. Mag. (400 RN at 2400) .316 +2.9" -0.1" 3"@115 231
.416 Rigby (400 RN at 2400) .316 +2.9" -0.1" 3"@115 231
.416 Wby. Mag. (400 RN at 2650) .316 +2.8" +0.9" 3"@125 253
.44 Rem. Mag. (240 FP at 1760) .165 +2.6" -11.6" 3"@75 159
.44 Rem. Mag. (275 FP at 1580) .199 +2.2" -14.7" 3"@75 149
.444 Marlin (240 FP at 2350) .165 +3.0" -2.6" 3"@100 203
.444 Marlin (265 RN at 2200) .191 +3.0" -3.3" 3"@100 197
.45 Colt (250 FP at 1500) .146 +1.7" -20.6" 3"@68 136
.45-70 (300 HP at 1800) .197 +2.7" -9.2" 3"@85 166
.45-70 (350 RN at 1900) .189 +2.9" -7.6" 3"@85 174
.45-70 (405 FP at 1330) .214 +1.3" -22.9" 3"@65 131
.450 Marlin (350 RN at 2100) .189 +3.0" -4.5" 3"@100 189
.458 Win. Mag. (350 RN at 2100) .189 +3.0" -4.5" 3"@100 189
.458 Win. Mag. (500 RN at 2100) .295 +3.0" -2.9" 3"@100 200
.458 Lott (500 RN at 2300) .295 +2.9" -1.0" 3"@110 219
.460 Wby. Mag. (500 RN at 2600) .295 +2.8" +0.6" 3"@116 246
.470 N.E. (500 RN at 2150) .321 +3.0" -2.1" 3"@100 207
.480 Ruger (325 FN at 1450) .150 +1.5" -22.1" 3"@68 134
.50 BMG (750 Sp at 2700) 1.07 +2.6" +1.8" 3"@135 281

Copyright 2002, 2016 by Chuck Hawks. All rights reserved.

Заключение: +44 203 308 2520 In order to hit a distant target a rifle must be correctly sighted-in, and to accomplish that the shooter must have some working knowledge of the bullet's trajectory. Sighting-in


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